Amazing Green Flags in a Healthy Relationship

Amazing Green Flags in a healthy Relationship

“Love” the greatest feeling on Earth !

What makes love soo beautiful? Why do people fall in love, Fight for Love, Break themselves for Love? why?

Love! It’s a complex emotion that cannot be simply explained. It can only be expressed and embraced.

Always a team

You are always a team

You’ll never have to face life’s ups and downs alone when you have them by your side. Whether it’s a joyful moment or a tough time, they’ll always be there to support you. They won’t tell you that you’re on your own, instead, they’ll walk with you every step of the way, no matter how treacherous the path may be.


They’re the ones who will raise a glass in celebration and be the first to say, “Let’s party!” But they’re also the first to offer a helping hand and say, “Don’t worry, we’ll get through this together.” Because at the end of the day, you’re a team, and they’ve got your back.


Always in touch!

Amidst the chaos of their busiest days, they will never forget to reach out and connect with you. They cherish your presence in their life and will always make time for you, no matter how hectic their schedule may be. And if, by chance, they miss a message or call, they will go out of their way to make it up to you, for they value your connection and never take it for granted. Their unwavering commitment to keeping the lines of communication open is a testament to the depth of their care and the strength of your bond.



Always tries to Understand

Imagine having someone in your life who is always there for you, through thick and thin. They’ll be your biggest cheerleader, constantly striving to help you become the best version of yourself. They’ll pay attention to the smallest details, from the way you dress to the way you speak and carry yourself, all with the intention of bringing out your finest qualities. And when disagreements arise, they won’t resort to violence or aggression; instead, they’ll engage you in a thoughtful and respectful conversation, never dredging up your past mistakes or using them against you.

They’ll know you so well that you won’t even have to articulate your thoughts – they’ll intuitively understand what you need, just by looking at you. In short, they’ll cherish your presence in their life. Their commitment to your well-being and happiness is unwavering, and their love for you is deeper than words can express.

Your Biggest Cheerleader

This person will always be your biggest supporters! They will make you feel like you can conquer the world with their enthusiastic celebrations. Even if you experience setbacks, they will find a reason to celebrate and uplift you. Their love for you is such that they cannot bear to see you sad in any circumstance. This person is always looking for ways to bring joy and happiness into your life.



Tries to express love whenever can.

They will never fail to remind you of how lucky they feel to have you in their life. They will go out of their way to make you feel special and appreciated, expressing their love for you through both words and thoughtful gifts. Every moment spent together is cherished, and they make a conscious effort to create even more special memories for the two of you to share. Their love for you is unwavering and they strive to make you feel loved and appreciated every single day.


Never talk bad about you

This person is someone who will never speak ill of you, no matter how dire the circumstances may be. They will be very patient to handle you. They will the first to communicate even after an argument. They will always try to fix things patiently. They will never give up on both of you. They will only speak positively of you, both in your presence and when you are not around. They will always have good things to say about you, even when talking to others.

Guardian Angel

They will never make you feel alone

This person is always there to ensure your comfort and well-being, checking in on you from morning until bedtime. They are attentive to your needs and never overlook your efforts, consistently showing appreciation for all that you do. Their care and concern for you are unwavering, and they make it a priority to keep you comfortable and taken care of. You can always rely on them to be there for you, and they will never ignore your feelings or needs. Their constant appreciation and support make you feel valued and loved.


These are the key to any successful relationship, weather it’s friendship or romantic relationship make sure at least have these for healthy and long term relationship.

“I love you” is not just words, it’s the Purest Form of Feeling make sure you Value those !

If you are lucky to have such a person embrace it, not many real love exists in this fake world

So Some Real Love

We are living in a generation where loyalty is just a tattoo, Love is Just A Quote, Happiness is a myth and being fake is a lifestyle
Nani Personal Blog Tangleminds
Nani Pv
Share your views with me ! Positive or Negative let’s learn from each other. What are the other green flags you think to have a healthy relationship ? Comment below

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Love You All

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